We Joined The BSAOCSC

Recently I had been thinking about joining a motorcycle club or becoming part of a group. Although I wasn't exactly sure of which club to join as there are many here in Southern, California. No matter what day of the week it is, there always seems to be some type of event, show or ride going on in my neck of the woods. California is home to many vintage motorcycle clubs including the Norton Owners Club of Southern California, Velocette and the BSA Owners Club of Southern California just to name a few - not to forget the Northern California clubs as well.
The first British motorcycle I ever rode and worked on happened to be a 1965 BSA C15 followed by a BSA Goldstar and an A65. For some odd reason I have always been attracted to BSA motorcycles weather it was there design, handling, sound, or the engineering.
Based off of my current BSA motorcycles and those I owned in the past choosing a club was quite easy in that respect. Joining the BSA Owners Club of Southern California makes me feel at home. Although I enjoy my Triumphs my heart lies with BSA motorcycles and always will!
For those who live in the Southern, California area I would recommend that you join the BSAOCSC. If you do not own a BSA motorcycle you are still welcome to join there club. In fact there are many that attend the local rides on other brands such as Triumph and Norton.
Once your apart of the BSAOCSC
Here are some perks that you can take advantage of once you join the BSAOCSC. Joining the BSA club gives you exclusive access to services and parts to keep your BSA running strong.
- Discounts from vendors
- Motorcycle rides
- Technical information and resources
- Friendly club members
- Merchandise
- Monthly newsletter
- Official BSAOCSC lapel pin
- And more...
Membership for the BSA Owners Club is based off of a fixed yearly rate. For those who would like to advertise with the club there is an option to go with the advertisement yearly rate suited for company's or anyone who would like to advertise and promote there brand.
Above is a membership application form from the BSAOCSC website.
Club Name | Membership Price | Advertise (optional) |
BSA Owners Club of Southern California | $25.00 (yearly) | $40.00 (yearly) |
"I encourage everyone to join..."
I encourage everyone in the SoCal area to visit the BSA owners club website and to join there club if you can. For more information you contact the BSAOCSC directly. They would be more than happy to answer any additional questions for you.
As always, thank you for reading today's blog post. Please feel free to leave a comment in the section below if you desire. Click here for more of our other vintage British motorcycle related blog posts.