Service Bulletin: Oil Pressure Relief Valve

Triumph service bulletin dated 6-6-1973
Today's blog post is on a Triumph service bulletin dated June 6, 1973. This brief service bulletin describes the fine screen and coarse screen oil pressure relief valves used on twins and triples. Now your probably thinking to yourself why is this important? Aren't all oil pressure relief valves the same? According to Triumph some are not the same. We will also cover more information that this service bulletin does not include.

What is an oil pressure relief valve?
Oil pressure relief valves are fitted to most vintage British (if not all) motorcycles to discharge excess oil pressure when the engine is cold. When an engine is cold oil is typically thicker causing pressure to build up in the crankcase. The oil pressure relief valve relives additional pressure and re-routes the oil to a separate passage until the oil warms and thins thus lowering pressure.

Are all oil pressure relief valves the same?
Yes to a certain extent. I use the word interchangeable cautiously because most oil pressure relief valves look the same but internally some are different to accommodate certain models and engine sizes. It is important to use the correct oil pressure relief valve for your specific application.

Fine Screen
The fine screen oil pressure relief valves where typically fitted to Triumph and BSA twins. Almost all reproduction oil pressure relief valves on the market today have the fine screen for both twins and triples. The best way to ensure a part is correct for your application is to check the screen but to also check the internal spring by removing the top cap. Most workshop manuals will list the proper spring length for each application.

Coarse Screen

Can I take the oil pressure release valve out of my 1975 T140v without draining the oil first? Hasn’t been out for thirty years, so thought I’d take it out for a clean and inspection.
Simon Blake
I am working on a 1967 BSA Hornet engine. Can I replace the original ball and spring type oil pressure relief valve with the piston type used on the later A65 twins? Thanks!
Simon Blake
I am working on a 1967 BSA Hornet engine. Can I replace the original ball and spring type oil pressure relief valve with the piston type used on the later A65 twins? Thanks!
Matthew Epperson
I have a 1970 BSA A-50 . What is the proper length the valve spring needs to be to allow proper oil pressure after the engine is running and hot , my oil pressure light always comes on after riding a bit at a idle and sometimes won’t go off until after I hit 1,500-2,000 rpm .
Thank you
Shelby Flores
1973 t140 at what pressure does the oil relief valve bipass?