Service Bulletin: BSA A65 Front Mudguard Center Stays

BSA Service Bulletin #203 12-17-1965
On today's post I will dive into a BSA service bulletin that I find very interesting. This BSA service bulletin is dated December 17, 1965, and talks about 1966 A50 and A65 650 models. The subject of this bulletin is on the front fender support brackets. If installed incorrectly (according to BSA), it can cause stress and perhaps crack the front fender.

The bulletin also states that this mudguard (fender) bracket now has a "lipped" edge and should be installed on the outside tab on the fender, and on the inside of the brake anchor lug. Upon searching through a 1966 parts catalog I have found that the 1966 bracket is different from the 1967 types. Only in a 1967 book (and later books up to 1970) actually show the "lipped" bracket. I could only assume that the 1966 book does not show the correct bracket because the parts book was made before the bulletin was released.

A 1966 BSA A65 Lightning shown with the center lipped bracket installed on the inside of the fork lug as per the service bulletin
The confusing part is the way that BSA recommends to install the bracket. Here is what the bulletin reads: "Must be attached outside of the mudguard bracket on the top end and must be assembled on the inside brake anchor lug". Most brackets that I have seen and installed on later A50 and A65 models have always had the lipped bracket installed on the OUTSIDE of the brake anchor lug. Not on the inside as this bulletin recommends.

I went searching through google images and found most 1966, 1967, and 1968 fender brackets installed exactly how BSA recommends in this service bulletin. I could only assume that is because 1966-1968 forks are pretty much the same. Now from 1969-1970 when BSA started to use the Triumph style forks, I found that the fender bracket was installed on the outside of the fork leg and the brake anchor lug was moved for the dual leading shoe brake. I could only assume that the new forks perhaps have a different curve or angle bracket to accommodate the change.

Upon checking part numbers, I also found that 1967-1970 brackets are the same despite how they are installed. A 1966 parts book shows a different part number and drawing but according to this bulletin, I now assume that the brackets are interchangeable from 1966-1970. As stated before the 1966 parts book may not reflect the change and perhaps a supplement may shed some light on that. At any rate, install your bracket the way BSA recommends you to and avoid unnecessary damage.