Lucas Wiring Color Code Key
To this day Lucas electrics have always had a bad wrap. Their reputation has always been on the line some way or another. Lucas has been commonly known as the "prince of darkness", "prince of the night" , and the inventor of the "self dimming" headlight.
All jokes aside Lucas's reputation and reliability has been getting better over the years by the new quality products that Lucas is now producing.
Today's blog post is a Lucas wiring color code key which basically decodes all the Lucas wiring colors as found on most vintage British motorcycles. Lucas wiring on a vintage Triumph, BSA, Norton and others where standardized across the industry up to the 1980's.
This sheet was printed in a magazine article back in the 1990's and has resurfaced again (a customer of mine has forwarded me this chart to share to you all). After some quick editing we now have a nice readable and usable chart.
You can download, print, or save your copy today by clicking on the image above. Thanks for reading today's blog post. Don't forget to comment in the section below.
I can’t print color and would happily purchase a laminated copy. Any chance of that?
Put all new lucas components on a butchered ‘70 t 120. I thing the rectifier was wired incorrectly by PO. I copied his rectifier connections but I only get a modest charge at 3,000 rpm. From the top most tap to the bottom which wire goes where ? Obviously red + earth is to mounting stud. Every elec component is new lucas except battery. Any help much appreciated Cherrs!
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Alistair Bernard
The criticism leveled at Lucas Electrical Equipment is not fair. I agree the stuff is not hi tech. But look at those old Magneto’s the most cursed of all still work superbly as it was intended. I am just finishing work on my 58 5T Speed Twin and after getting the coil wound by an expert it is working perfectly. Talk about other well engineered brands / products which can be put into service after 5 or 6 decades? The components are just simple and basic and does its job. Over hear in Sri Lanka enthusiasts highly regard Lucas products for the reliability and longevity. Dont forget the 500cc Gilera and MV Four Cylinder GP Bikes of the 50s used Lucas Magneto’s Haa. Actually the ‘Mith’ is more frightful than reality.
AWESOME! Love the chart!! I wish I found this 2 1/2 hrs ago!! Lol Exactly what ive been looking for! Thank you