Boyer Bransden Electronic Ignition - 12V Unit Singles

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  • Regular price $ 164.95
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New Triumph & BSA Unit Singles 12 Volt Boyer Bransden Electronic Ignition System. You will get everything as pictured from the instruction manual, ignition module, trigger assemble, zip ties, wires fasteners and much more! Tired of adjusting those pesky points? Or just wanting to add some peace of mind? When in comes to electronic ignitions for British motorcycles Boyer Bransden is arguably one of the most reliable and trusted name in the industry. Take it from me! I have been running a Boyer Brandsen ignition in my Triumph Bonneville & BSA Lightning since 1992 and have covered thousands of miles with out any problems. This set works with most 12 volt unit singles with points in the side casing. Unit can also work with both positive or negative ground. System can either be used for racing or for normal riding purposes.
**Some applications this system is compatible with**
-BSA C15, B40, B25, B44, B50, Etc
-Triumph TR25W, T25, Etc (Excluding Cub)